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The official student newspaper of Walter Johnson High School

The Pitch

The official student newspaper of Walter Johnson High School

The Pitch

The official student newspaper of Walter Johnson High School

The Pitch

Homecoming dance: is it worth it?

Cartoon by Izzy Zavareei
Many students get excited about dressing up and dancing at the homecoming dance, while others view it as a waste of money. Is homecoming worth it?

Point: you should go to the dance

by Jackie Maloney

Glittering dresses and high heels combined with shiny balloons and sparkly lights decorate the gymnasium to transform the usual sweaty, and generally gross room into a magical scene straight out of a movie. A high school tradition for decades, the Homecoming dance is a vibrant and exciting night to create joyful memories. After high school, the opportunity to build relationships and dress up like a princess disappears. Sure, the dance is pretty much the same every year, people standing anxiously near their dates, wondering whether or not they will wrap their arms around each other and slow dance, but with these awkward moments come memories that will spark joy and laughter.

The reason why we have a Homecoming is to celebrate the success (hopefully) of our school’s football team from the night before. The hype and exhilaration is amplified through the weekend with the dance. Not only do we get the chance to spend time with our classmates and dress up, but also word on the street is that this year there will be even more things to do.

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According to the Leadership class, this year’s Homecoming dance will have a photo booth with unlimited photographs. So we’ll get to dance around and make fools of ourselves in front of everyone without giving a care, and the memories we make this year will be kept eternally.

I don’t disagree that often times with the Homecoming dance comes a lot of anxiety and unnecessary stress. Am I going to have a date? What are our plans for dinner? Do I have to dance with someone? More often than not, these anxiety-provoking questions often lead to a night of embarrassment and utter disappointment. What people forget is that these embarrassing and awkward moments are an essential part of high school life. Without them, how are we supposed to look back and laugh at ourselves? Adults always remember the parts of their lives that were less than perfect, the at the time-mortifying moments of their lives that make the best stories.

So no, Homecoming is never as perfect as people expect. Hollywood always paints a picture perfect vision of Homecoming and high school dances. Despite being a divine disappointment, the memories made at this school event will never be forgotten. And that is truly for the best.

Counterpoint: going to the dance isn’t worth it

by Ethan Oyeniyi

Here we go…  another waste of time and 20 dollars. Time that could be spent with a close group of friends wasted to be spent with a bunch of people you don’t know. Time that could’ve been spent listening to music of your choice. Instead, those who choose to go to Homecoming spend their time and money to do the complete opposite. 

Homecoming is an event where you and your friends all come together just to go back to the place you dread the most- school. Not only that, but you see teachers and other administration that you would most likely not want to see outside of school hours. Why give up your time and money for that? Instead this time could’ve been spent at a friends house in a much more secluded environment, without your teachers constantly looking over your shoulder.

Also, if you and your friends are planning on taking Homecoming pictures before the dance, why would you want to find rides all the way back to school? Instead you can all go somewhere nice to get dinner and enjoy a party at a friends house.

“I remember going to the dance freshman year and it was a terrible decision. It was so hot and everyone was split up. I didn’t even enjoy any of the songs they played the entire night,” senior Baasil Saleh said.

Sure if you’re a freshman and you want to go to the dance, no one is stopping you. You probably want to experience your first Homecoming dance, but due to experience I’m telling you it’s not what you expect. If you’re hoping to walk into the gym with a crowd full of people jumping around and having fun, you will be disappointed. What you’re really going to walk into is a bunch of kids, typically underclassmen, spread out around the gym talking to friends.

“We couldn’t stay any longer so me and a bunch of friends left early and went to a friends house. Being able to listen to actual good music and be around all my friends was so much better than the dance. I wish I never wasted my money to be with so many people I don’t know,” junior Talie Tinker said.

Yes, some people may say Homecoming is a place to meet people other than your friends, but that doesn’t have to be at the homecoming dance specifically. You already go to the same school as most, if not everybody there. You have plenty of time to get to know people at school.

Your friends may tell you to go to the Homecoming dance, but do not give in. Unless you want to stay in a sweaty gym for hours, Homecoming is not the place for you.

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About the Contributors
Jackie Maloney
Jackie Maloney, Staff Writer
This is Jackie Maloney’s first year on the Pitch.  Besides writing for the newspaper, she is a member of the varsity cheer squad as well as the head costumes mistress for WJ S*T*A*G*E*.  She is so excited to be a part of the Pitch!
Izzy Zavareei
Izzy Zavareei, Social Media Manager/ Cartoonist
Izzy Zavareei is thrilled to be going into her second year working for The Pitch as a senior. This year she is working as a Cartoonist and Social Media Manager.
Ethan Oyeniyi
Ethan Oyeniyi, Staff Writer
My name is Ethan Oyeniyi and I am a senior staff writer. I play for the schools Symphonic band and varsity lacrosse team.
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  • E

    Ethan OyeniyiOct 22, 2019 at 9:54 am

    Don’t go to the hoco dance!
