The first week of second semester was a brief one, as snow limited an already shortened week of classes to two delayed days and one half day. The same debate has arisen this year that comes up seemingly every year in MCPS; is the county giving students too many delays and days off?
Former ESPN Sportscenter anchor Bram Weinstein would certainly say so. Weinstein is now a local parent with a child in MCPS, and he believes the county’s willingness to close school is indicative of a larger issue.
“Half day Friday, off Monday, half day Tuesday, off Wednesday. Late Thursday and maybe off. How do you expect parents or their businesses to be productive? This is not acceptable anymore,” Weinstein said on Twitter on January 30. He followed this up with an announcement for his school board candidacy. “I’m officially running for Montgomery County School Board. 1) it’s time to end these nonsensical closings- we’ll show the economics behind the lost productivity and how harmful it is to the county as a whole. 2) technology based education so our students lead in automated society.”
Students most likely won’t side with the candidate who is looking to ensure more days in school, and Weinstein’s announcement was predictably met with significant backlash.
“I don’t agree with him, they’re going to add days to the end of the school year anyways so it’s not like we’re missing much,” junior Gabe Riveiro said.
Famed Twitter account MocoSnow even felt the need to respond to Weinstein’s comments, taking the time to explain the logistics of the recent cancellations.
“Bram, I’m a fan, but you’re wrong here. The closing today was because of the condition parking lots and sidewalks at schools were in. The delay tomorrow is to keep kids (some who aren’t able to “bundle up”) from walking in sub-zero wind chills in the dark,” MocoSnow said. “No call makes everyone happy.”
One idea that would likely prove divisive is splitting the county into an upper and lower portion, limiting the effects of weather in areas like Damascus and Poolesville on southern areas like Bethesda and Rockville. Many parents still believe that all cancellations and delays have been appropriate, so it is unclear if there is a forthcoming change to MCPS’s snow policy.
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