Senior Skip Day
Senior Aidan Gleeson skips school on Senior Skip Day to hang out with his friends. Photo courtesy of Jack Linde.
Apr 18, 2018
As a senior, there was plenty to look forward to this year. Mainly the traditions I’ve seen through my years going to WJ: Football games, the senior prank and prom. However there is one tradition that I don’t quite understand.
Senior Skip Day is one of those events that happens every year, sometimes more than once. But what is the point of this tradition? Seniors “skip” already without having to have a real reason. Why make it a tradition for everyone to skip on a specific day?
To me, Senior Skip Day is one of those traditions that really doesn’t need to be a thing. By having it, we are all given an unexcused absence which leads to other problems when teachers won’t let you make up work or take a test. Teachers can also rescind a recommendation letter if they feel that their thoughts on you no longer stand true.
So for those of you who are considering participating in a Senior Skip Day this year, or in future years, here are a few tips to make sure you don’t get stuck on the wrong side of the tracks.
- Make sure there are no tests or projects that day. Teachers may not let you make them up when you get back.
- Don’t lie about it. Tell your parents if you’re going and where. This may help your case in them letting you participate.
- Don’t destroy your teacher relationships. Email and ask for missing work, do some of it. Your teachers will appreciate that you did something.
- Go with your friends. Sitting at home alone droning away binge watching Netflix is not as fun as going out with friends.
jesus • Apr 23, 2018 at 9:33 am
whoever wrote this article you’re a narc.