There’s more than enough political debate in the country right now. It seems like all anyone talks about anymore is politics. Even the humblest school newspaper is full of political reporting in every. Single. Issue.
You’re probably exhausted of the constant barrage of people screaming at you about why so-and-so is the better politician, why whatever is the better political opinion, how you’re a terrible person if you believe X, Y or Z. But bear with me for a second, because this one really is important.
The country is so divided right now. What we need, more than ever, is something to unite us. So even though it’s still a year before the gubernatorial election of 2018, it’s time to unite over a candidate who we can all agree on: the entire staff of the Pitch for governor of Maryland.
You might be feeling a little confused right now. “The Pitch staff doesn’t have any political experience,” you’re probably yelling at the paper right now. First of all, stop yelling at a paper. It can’t hear you. Second, some of our members actually have experience in student government, which is obviously a very real and important part of politics, so there. Third, so what if most of us have no connection to any sort of political office at all? We are more than qualified.
Our editors have great leadership experience. We’re somehow able to make a bunch of staff writers with senioritis write an article (almost) every week, so I think we’d be able to manage a state. Sure, some of us (not naming any names, but it’s me) have terrible time management skills, but we manage to put out an entire newspaper every month, so… it’ll be fine. I’m sure it’ll be fine. We’ll manage.
Of course, there’s the issue of age. You need to be at least 30 years old to be eligible for the office of governor in Maryland, and as far as I know, most of the Pitch staff is 18 and under. But wait! That doesn’t mean we can’t run. Nowhere does it say in the rules that a group of people can’t run. So it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that if a group runs, the “age” is the cumulative age of all the members. If you add all our ages together, we’re more than old enough.
So in summary: enough arguing. Enough debating. Enough division. It’s time to unite over something on which we can all agree. So tell your family, tell your friends, tell any random stranger you see on the street: if you’re old enough in 2018, vote for the obvious best choice. Vote for the Pitch staff to be your next governor.