WJ Spring Pep Rally showcases spring sports and Male Poms

Photo by Anna Hovey
The ever-popular WJ Male Poms squad performs as the assembly’s finale.
Anna Hovey, Online News Editor
Apr 2, 2015
Step team takes the floor, showcasing some of their best moves.
Members of the step team dance in unison.
Senior and Coed Volleyball captain Stephanie Gnammakou announces senior players.
Senior and Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse Captain Scott Salvatore presents senior players.
Senior and Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse captain Amy Mattingly announces fellow senior girls on the team while mascots joke on the sidelines.
Drumline makes an appearance, bringing music and spirit to the final pep rally of the year.
Seniors Emily Scheele and Dani Vogel sport the mascot costumes, dancing and joking around in front of their audience.
Track and Field takes the stage next, as senior and runner Tae Woo Kim announces senior runners.
The ever-popular WJ Male Poms squad performs as the assembly’s finale.
Photo by Anna Hovey -
The Male Poms chant “SENIORS,” and the audience shouts back, “15!”
Male Poms stands in formation before breaking into dance.
Male Poms participators get ready for the wave, a signature move of the WJ Poms squad.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s SGA President Justin New! Senior Josh Jacobs lifts New up over his head, “Dirty Dancing”-style.
Male Poms dancers do the airplane in the midst of the performance.
Male Poms executes the perfect wave!
Male Poms jump for joy.
Two dancers saunter down the stage as other members look on.
On Friday, Mar. 20, the Spring Pep Rally took place in the main gym. This final assembly went out with a bang, complete with appearances and introductions from spring sports teams, a performance by Drumline, and a finale by the crowd-pleasing Male Poms.
Senior and Male Poms member Julian Wainer said the Poms practices were always a great source of laughter and entertainment.
“We looked pretty ridiculous,” Wainer admitted.
The boys made sure they had the routine perfect in time for the assembly by practicing three times for one and a half hours each.
“Being in the front was pretty stressful. I knew that if I messed up even slightly, the rest of the routine would have been messed up… luckily, messing up is part of the laughs that come from male poms… so I just focused on enjoying it with my teammates,” said Wainer.
With a pep rally like that, the spring sports season is sure to be a hit.