As tryouts came to an end students got to find out if they made a school team. Although tryouts only last around two to four days for most sports, they can feel very long because the students are putting in everything they have for those couple of days.
Volleyball tryouts were in the main gym for five days. Combined, 42 kids tried out for the coed and boys team. They did drills including, partner receiving and passing, serves and serve receives, 3 v 3s and hitting lines.
“I had two pretty good tryouts so I was confident I was going to make it, the kids on the team are really good so I’m excited to learn from them and play with them,” sophomore Victor Goerlitz said.
Coaches pick a variety of different things they want to see the players do to get a good idea of their skill level and how they will perform in-game situations.
Around 50 girls tried out for the girls JV and varsity lacrosse teams. During tryouts the girls showed their skills by doing drills like one v ones, passing, shooting, ground balls, 3 v 2s and 7 v 7s.
For underclassmen, tryouts can be even more intense, wanting to impress the coaches and for some athletes their first time getting to play in front of them. For freshman Ginger Fishberg her talent was shown very quickly as she was the only freshman to make the girls varsity lacrosse team.
“Tryouts were definitely very nerve-racking, they split it into a JV and varsity tryout. The girls on the team were very encouraging throughout the days of tryouts which made me feel a lot better,” Fishberg said.
Varsity baseball had 21 boys try out this year. The boys pitched, did on-field batting practice, position velocity and many other drills during the days of tryouts.
“Tryouts were competitive but fun, I’m happy to be playing on my high school’s varsity team with a lot of funny guys,” sophomore Jay Wandell said.