“Boardwalk Empire,” HBO’s new period drama based on the true story by Nelson Johnson, is set in late 1920s Atlantic City and tells the story of the prohibition era and the mob culture it created. Character actor Steve Buscemi plays central figure Nucky Thompson, a shady politician aiming to control the underground alcohol market. Drama arises as federal agents tail Nucky and fellow mobsters get jealous of his power. Buscemi’s performance is complimented by Michael Pitt as Jimmy Darmody, an out-of-work war veteran who becomes Nucky’s protégé. Oscar-winner Martin Scorsese, director of the pilot, infuses his trademark style in “Empire” with the graphic nature of the dialogue and violence. “Empire” is a stylish production representing old time Atlantic City glamour, and, while certainly interesting, teenage viewers may find it difficult to pick up on some early 20th century cultural references.
(HBO Sundays at 9 p.m.)