A year ago today, I was reading the senior reflections of past staff members of The Pitch wondering what I wanted to say in my senior reflection. I wondered how I could sum up such an incredible and important part of my life. With another year of experience in high school and going through the college process, I have one thing that I must emphasize: high school is a learning and growing experience.
My parents instilled in me that as much as high school was about preparing you for college, it is also a time to make mistakes, learn from them, grow and eventually find your passion. Entering high school, I rarely had time for school activities with my conservatory dance schedule, but I knew that I wanted to get involved in media and writing. I didn’t want to be left out of the high school experience—I wanted to be a part of something.
My passion was nurtured the moment I stepped into room 193 when I joined The Pitch in junior year after a year of online journalism. I learned more in three years of journalism than I had in all four years of high school. The Pitch gave me the opportunity to create my own content and a platform to figure out how I wanted to continue this passion in the future. Though, most importantly to me was the community. I learned how important it is to pursue what you are passionate about and that common interest leads to long lasting connections. I’d like to thank my family for guiding me to my interests and friends that I met along the way. Finally, I would like to extend a huge thank you to Mrs. Borrelli for believing in me and allowing me to take the risks to grow our multimedia platform. It is to all these people that I owe my gratitude, without you, I would not be sitting here in 193, writing this reflection.