Single vs taken on Valentine’s Day?

People often argue over if it is better to be single or taken on Valentines Day. This past year on Valentine's day the pitch weighed the pros and cons of both sides of the argument.

People often argue over if it is better to be single or taken on Valentines Day. This past year on Valentine’s day the pitch weighed the pros and cons of both sides of the argument.

Bennett Wright

The debate of single vs taken on Valentine’s Day has gone on forever and people on both sides with always argue their point of view on the issue. I was never a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, but for the past few years I participated in it and this year I was single. Honestly there are pros and cons on both sides of the argument it’s not as black and white as some people would make it out to be.

A lot of people like to paint Valentine’s Day as a very materialistic and disingenuous holiday that people should not care about, and for the most part this is true. For many, it’s all about the nice gifts and the expensive dinner. I know this because many of my friends dread the holiday as they feel they need to spend a lot of money on Valentine’s Day just to show that they care. This is true for a lot of people and I would completely understand why people would hate the holiday; it feels like fake love or just affection just because you have to on that day. Not to mention how sad and alone this day can make the single people feel as they scroll through social media and see all their friends in relationships having a romantic night out while they are alone.

However, I don’t think Valentine’s Day is  that evil. It’s like every other day where the day is what you make of it. It doesn’t have to be a day full of expensive gifts you didn’t really want to buy and putting on a show for your significant other. You can do what you want, you can do small things and it doesn’t have to be this big event. You don’t have to go out to an expensive dinner and spend hundreds on gifts. Each relationship is different and people shouldn’t have to feel forced to celebrate the holiday in a certain way. Single people have also made the day fun as girls often hang out with their other single friends and have a good night out that way. Overall, Valentine’s Day isn’t as bad as some people would say, but I’m not exactly a fan either. It is a day where many feel that they have to do something which can make the day feel disingenuous in nature, but some really good things can come out of it and it can be a fun and positive day for many people.