Dear Anders,
I am a freshman girl. I feel like I am ready to start dressing the way I want to, but my mom still insists on dressing me. All my friends dress themselves but my mom calls it inappropriate. What should I do? I want to express myself.
Confused Little Girl
Dear Confused Little Girl,
Who can really say what is appropriate? You can! Accuse your mom of dressing inappropriately. Tell her how to dress, after all, who knows better about appropriate clothing than high schoolers? No one! If that doesn’t work, don’t wear anything. She can’t be mad if you aren’t “wearing” anything inappropriate. If people have a huge issue with your birthday suit, then try wearing clothes that no one enjoys. Dress “appropriately,” but make everyone regret that you do. Wear socks with sandals, only wear denim, stripes with spots and bright neon everything. If you can’t be who you want to be, make everyone around you regret it. There are also other ways to express yourself. Graffiti, burn things or even eat a friend! All these things will show your peers exactly who you are without having to dress a certain way. Hope this helps…but if it doesn’t, I don’t care!