WJ Bachelors raises thousands

Photo by Anna Hovey
Seniors Matty Daza and Ben Resnick address each other while hosting WJ Bachelors.
Mar 10, 2015
On the evening of Feb. 12, male WJ students of all grade levels and backgrounds sauntered across the auditorium stage to raise money for Pennies for Patients. Students ready to bid on their favorite bachelors filled the auditorium seats while they waited for the event to start.
Festivities began with a speech by Hayden Zavareei, a member of the junior class and cancer survivor. Zavareei discussed her struggle with the disease and thanked those who donate for helping patients like her receive the treatments necessary to fight their cancer.
“I would like to thank every one of you for coming out to this event tonight… these events… have made it possible for me to survive, and by donating, you can help others like me… Every penny can make a difference,” said Zavareei during her speech.
After making their memorable entrances, the bachelors sat down and were asked a few questions by one of the event’s hosts, seniors Ben Resnick and Matty Daza. Once questions were over, bidding started- members of the audience held up paddles to signify interest in a bachelor, and whoever agreed to the highest bid won a date with their bachelor of choice. Bachelors often announced where they would be taking their date, such as to a fancy dinner or a sporting event.
According to senior Ranish Byanjankar, a primary organizer of the event, WJ Bachelors raised a total of $1,850 this year. Byanjankar said the best thing about organizing a P4P event is seeing everything finally come together.
“Planning events isn’t easy. There is a lot of stress but seeing everything work out in the end is the best,” Byanjankar said.
The highest bid of the night, $235, came from senior Kate Howie for SGA President Justin New. New took his date to the sushi restaurant Raku, and then to a Wizards game.
“She went all out for me, so I went all out for her,” he said of the date.
New, who participated in Bachelors last year for just a fraction of his senior year earnings, says his favorite and least favorite things about this year’s event are the same.
“I spent countless hours (30 minutes) practicing my entrance which was a jump off the ramp on my scooter, only to [have it] vetoed… by Mr. K,” New recalls.