The Black Student Union (BSU) Assmbly was held in the auditorium on Friday, March 5, with participants including both teachers and students. The jazz band and Pop Fly were also featured. Noted teachers included social studies teacher Micah Wiggins, who sang the black national anthem with senior Raquel Pointdexter.
Dance team members Mikaela Nau, Kristine Plato, Elizabeth Hannah, Rachelle Cook, Firesenay Mengesha, Rediet Tesfaye, Andrea Corbera-Trescoli perform during the assmebly.
Junior Anderson Tchatchoua entertains the crowd by performing in the rap battle.
Social studies teacher Micah Wiggins singing alongside Raquel Poindexter
Juniors Allegra Guinan and Meiraf Zekaryas announce the next part of BSU.
Senior Raquel Poindexter sang the Black National Anthem with Social Studies teacher Micah Wiggins.
Pop Fly group getting ready for the second assembly.
Junior Davon Davis free styles against junior Anderson Tchatchoua.