Sunny days and warmer temperatures are finally emerging. As March begins to materialize after a series of cold and snowy months, students are excited to see the comfortable climate surrounding them, along with the opportunity to ditch fluffy jackets and soft sweatpants.
Upcoming trends are hard to predict, but many students feel like they have been able to get a good idea of what is to come.
“I think baseball hats will be big this season, along with plain t-shirts and graphic ones, too,” freshman Shahayan Saboor said.
According to popular magazines, such as Cosmopolitan and Vogue, suit-like mini-skirts and colorful tops will surely be present in the nearing season. The black and white color scheme and beige trench coats seem to also be entering the forecast, Bazaar magazine predicts.
“Flared leggings were big this past season, I feel like flared shorts could surprise us all,” junior Lexie Conaway said.
Like many other new styles, students will either love these ideas or hate them. Predicting fashion trends isn’t easy; it requires a good understanding of current and past fashion. Along with a good sense of style.
“Even if you understand fashion and how to predict it, finding outfits that correspond isn’t easy; to make it work, you could thrift for those items,” junior Solyana Mulugata said.
Social media apps like Snapchat, TikTok and Instagram are all good places to start when gathering information on what to wear and how. There are a variety of accounts that show outfit collages, trendy new pieces and clothing combinations that many teenagers find useful and effective when deciding what to wear.
“There are these cool accounts that post outfits every day on Instagram; I’ve tried so many of them,” freshman Anna Shetsiruli said.
As the warm weather continues to make itself present, spring fashion trends will begin to descend upon students. Whether baseball hats and flared leggings make a strong appearance as the students had predicted or stylish mini-skirts and eye-catching tops attract our attention, students will be happy to follow the nifty trends or create their own.