After years and years of anticipation, the sequel to the blockbuster film “Inside Out” will be arriving to theaters on June 14, 2024. The movie features a plethora of new characters being introduced, such as Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, Ennui and Nostalgia.
These new emotions erupt when the main character Riley turned thirteen and is finally considered a teenager. This age introduces new feelings into the world of existing emotions. But, these emotions aren’t feeling very accepted by the pre-existing ones we all know and love, and are taken in with caution.
The existing emotions such as Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust have all run their operations flawlessly since the last movie. However, the new emotions being felt by Riley shake things up.
Since Riley is already a teenager in this movie, this adds to the excitement of viewers who have grown up with this movie. Following its release in 2015, viewers and fans have felt a sense of relatability with the emotions and the main protagonist. With most of these viewers practically growing up with Riley, the film will be even more heartfelt and personal. More viewers will be able to relate their own emotions and thoughts with those of the main protagonist.
Based on the trailers that have been released, the expectations for this film are high. This is especially the case for characters such as Anxiety & Envy who are new to the realm of emotions. Many are interested and excited on how these new feelings will be portrayed and played out in the film.
“I’m really excited to see how Envy is going to be played out, especially because I really like the voice actress that plays her,” sophomore Sasha Rotton stated.
New characters bring intrigue as to how they will cooperate with its pre-existing ones. As it has been implied in the trailers, the previous emotions aren’t too fond of these new feelings that have abruptly arrived into Riley’s head. Not to mention, how the main character will react to emotions such as Nostalgia and Embarrassment, and if her familiar emotions will help her in understanding her new ones. With the trailer’s intrigue and added storyline, it’s clear thousands of people will be tuning in to watch the film on release day.