The infamous story of Micheal Myers (Nick Castle), the crazed masked man who has been terrorizing his town for decades, has been on the screen for 44 years, with now 13 movies dedicated to the franchise. Since the series is marked a Halloween classic to most, the internet was ecstatic after the final movie, “Halloween Ends,” was announced in 2019.
“Halloween Ends” follows Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis), Myer’s youngest sister, and her journey to capture Myers once and for all. Although this has been the premise for a lot of the movies in the franchise, it was advertised as the “final battle” between the two.
This is why fans were heavily disappointed when it came out in theaters, and not even within a week of its release, the movie received a 41% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Although I was aware of the distasteful reviews swarming social media before watching, I was still hopeful for a jaw-dropping ending. I was sadly mistaken and left the theaters with one label for the movie: a waste of money.
The film has many disappointing aspects, such as the blatant lack of horror. “Halloween” is known for its tense scenes, the iconic one being Myers slowly walking towards someone with suspenseful music playing in the background. Throughout the movie, I found myself snoozing instead of jumping or shaking at the edge of my seat. A movie franchise known for terrifying scenes lacked the very aspect that defines it.
Another aspect of the movie that I strongly disagreed with was the lack of the character that everyone was watching for: Micheal Myers. For the majority of the movie, it followed a new character named Cory, a normal kid who was then possessed by Myers. This concept failed miserably. Not only did it completely replace the main villain, but it also replaced it with a character that the audience has no previous connection to.
However, the biggest problem I and many others had with the film was the final fight between Strode and Myers. It was extremely anti-climatic. We were raised to believe in the notion that Micheal Myers was invincible. However, this movie says otherwise. The fight only lasted for 10 minutes, with Strode winning with ease.
The Micheal Myers saga has finally said its goodbyes, but it’s difficult to appreciate a series with a disappointing ending.